WV Coalition Against Domestic Violence

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Every donation is vital in our work to make West Virginia a safer state. 


Find the licensed Domestic Violence program closest to you in WV. 


Learn how to plan for a safer way to exit an abusive relationship.

IMportant NOtice

Executive Orders on both the state and federal level have left victim service providers like the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence confused about how to provide services while following mandates.

Victims of domestic violence are supported by funds appropriated by state and federal legislators. This funding is then disbursed via grants. However, some of these critical grants in West Virginia are now being reviewed for potential cuts, and certain requirements within the current fiscal cycle’s grants contradict the new directives introduced by the state and federal Executive Orders. It has put us in the position of not knowing how to comply with all the requirements, since some now conflict. While we await clarification by our state and federal governments on the contradictory requirements, victims still have a need for services.

We are operating because a court order has temporarily halted the initial federal funding freeze, so for the moment, federal funds are still accessible. However, whether shelter and support for victims of child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and more will continue in the long term is unknown.

Additional helpful resources for people experiencing
domestic violence:

National Hotline

Support for Seniors

Support for Young People

Support for Sexual Assault Survivors

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