Awareness, Policy, Organizing, Training

Focus Areas

Public Awareness

In collaboration with member domestic violence programs, WVCADV is dedicated to providing increased public awareness about domestic and intimate partner violence. Prevention strategies include ongoing and consistent efforts to educate the public about available services, provisions of the law, alternatives to aggression, healthy relationships, etc. Public awareness efforts intentionally include messages and materials designed to address needs and realities of populations traditionally underserved.

The WVCADV Public Awareness goals are to

  • Increase visibility and understanding statewide of the issues surrounding domestic violence;
  • Inspire individuals and communities to become actively involved in ending and preventing domestic violence.

To request an educational presentation in your WV community, please contact your nearest licensed domestic violence program.

For a listing of downloadable WVCADV educational publications, click here.

Policy Development

WVCADV plays a critical and leading role in analyzing and supporting the development of public policy that promotes victim safety and self-sufficiency.  Public policy affecting victims of domestic violence spans across a wide range of interconnected systems.  WVCADV promotes a coordinated approach to policy analysis and development through communication across various existing policy workgroups and statewide and local advocacy groups. Such policy workgroups include the following, among others:

Community Organizing

WVCADV develops strategies for affecting change in communities that will end domestic violence. In an effort to address the intersectionality of oppression and challenges for domestic violence victims in marginalized communities, WVCADV coordinates the following culturally specific initiatives: the Advocacy of Color Network and the Rainbow Justice League (formerly known as the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer and Questioning Advisory Committee).

People sitting together, faces not shown. A young hand offers support to old hands.Community organizing also includes enhancing collaborations and partnerships with the Department of Education and other organizations that focus on teen dating violence. WVCADV coordinates the Dating Violence Workgroup to engage and educate in abuse prevention activities, respond and intervene effectively in dating violence incidents and provide tools and resources.  For more information regarding membership to the Advocacy of Color Network, Rainbow Justice League or Dating Violence Workgroup, contact (304) 965-3552 or email

Training & Technical Assistance

WVCADV offers training and technical assistance to domestic violence program staff and other professionals working with domestic violence victims and their children. Training and technical assistance vary and range from basic introduction and domestic violence awareness to a workshop narrowly targeted to provide participants specific knowledge needed to better serve victims of domestic and reduce violence in our society.

Customized training fees are negotiable, and the sessions can be tailored to meet your specific needs.  Should you or your organization require training or technical assistance on domestic violence, please call (304) 965-3552 to inquire about training and technical assistance opportunities.