Support us financially. We appreciate every donation, no matter how large or small. You can also help to sponsor our annual fundraising Gala. Or buy a ticket to attend! Your support matters.
Support us financially. We appreciate every donation, no matter how large or small. You can also help to sponsor our annual fundraising Gala. Or buy a ticket to attend! Your support matters.
Local folks, particularly artists or businesses, can support our events with sponsorships, or donate items for silent auctions. Interested in working with us to raise funds at an event? Email us and tell us how you want to help.
You can help on social media. Connect with us–comment, like, share our posts. You can even help us fundraise on Facebook!
You don’t need to have deep pockets to support our work! There are many ways to get involved, with varying levels of commitment.
Learn more on this page, attend or sponsor our annual Purple Gala, or contact us to let us know how you want to help make WV a safer state for families!