Legal Services

Two people discussing matters over coffee

If you’ve been hurt by a household or family member–or have experienced stalking, harassment, or dating violence–you may benefit from legal expertise.  We partner with Legal Aid of WV and local attorneys to provide legal assistance. Survivor advocates at any of the local programs can assist you with obtaining free or reduced cost legal services to help with your legal issues.

Advocates can also assist you with obtaining legal counsel, applying for protective orders, finding housing or employment, and more. Learn more about Domestic Violence Protective Orders and child custody in West Virginia in these videos. Also helpful is this guide that includes information explaining how to change your name if you’re a West Virginia resident, in English, and Spanish.

Woman working at a deskThose who engage with survivors involved in the civil and criminal legal systems can better assist survivors when they understand and can explain the legal process and how our laws may impact survivors. 

The Coalition provides regular trainings to domestic violence advocates across the state to help ensure survivors receive the best services possible.

Additionally, we provide training to attorneys, police, guardians ad litem, prosecutors, defense attorneys, court personnel, non-profit organizations, and businesses with regard to available civil and criminal legal system remedies, responses to protective orders, requirements of the West Virginia Code, and victims’ rights. 
To discuss arranging a training on this legal process for your organization, please contact us.