Contact Us

If this is an emergency, please call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE


Contact Info

400 Patterson Lane

Charleston WV 25311

If you’re looking for services, advice, or assistance, please contact your local anti-domestic violence programs to get help without delay. Scroll down to the map below and click on your county to go to the website of your local program.

WVCADV doesn’t provide services to individuals. We facilitate statewide collaboration between all the local programs that provide those services; we provide training and continuing education for DV workers across the state, and others; we conduct public education/awareness campaigns about domestic violence; we advocate for public policy that will support survivors; and more. 

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(To request a training, please use this page instead: Request a training. )

Click on your county below to visit their website and
find contact information for your local domestic violence program.

Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan Marion Marshall Mason McDowell Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming

You are not alone. Help is available.
Everyone deserves to be safe. 


A woman on the phone

Complaint Line

Do you have questions, concerns or comments about any services you received from DV programs in WV? 

Call the Domestic Violence Services Toll-Free Complaint Line, operated by the WV Family Protection Services Board:


Leave a message and if possible, a number where you may be safely reached. Your call will be handled confidentially, and returned if you have provided a means that’s safe for you.