West Virginia Domestic Violence Snapshot

On September 6, 2023, 14 out of 14 identified domestic violence programs in West Virginia–100%–participated  in a national count of domestic violence services conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). The following figures represent the information shared by West Virginia for the 24-hour survey period.

Hotline Calls Received
Victims Served
Unmet Requests

The 12 unmet requests were due to a lack of funds. Donate today, in the name of someone you love, and help people who deserve better.

Why Domestic Violence Organizations in West Virginia Need your Support

Help us build a safer state of family in the Mountain State.

People in Need

“The need for emergency shelter is sometimes far beyond what our agency can meet. On the survey day, we provided one survivor with shelter referrals, but she was nervous, saying, ‘It’s taken me a long time to even call you all.’ If capacity and staff could be increased, we would not have to turn down the survivors who need help the most.”

People who Survive

“We referred a client to legal aid and accompanied her through ongoing civil and criminal legal matters. She now has a long-term protective order in place, and she is so happy to feel a new sense of freedom that she hasn’t had in about a decade. She is ready for a fresh start.”

People who Serve

“The lack of safe, affordable housing and long-term assistance funding is detrimental to survivors. The wait for subsidized public housing in our area is sometimes 12 to 18 months. There are no provisions, other than shelter and limited rapid rehousing funds, to bridge that gap.”